Writing a Server

A server is generally made up of two parts:

  • A subclass of ServerFactory. Under normal circumstances only one ServerFactory is instantiated. This object represents your game server as a whole.
  • A subclass of ServerProtocol. Each object represents a connection with a client.

Skeleton Server

By default quarry takes clients through the authentication process and then switches into the “play” protocol mode. Normally at this point you would implement player_joined() to either disconnect the client or start the process of spawning the player. In the skeleton server below we don’t do either, which leaves the client on the “Logging in…” screen. Please see the Examples for less pointless servers.

from twisted.internet import reactor
from quarry.net.server import ServerFactory, ServerProtocol

class ExampleServerProtocol(ServerProtocol):

class ExampleServerFactory(ClientFactory):
    protocol = ExampleServerProtocol

factory = ExampleServerFactory()
factory.listen('', 25565)