
Quarry implements Minecraft’s data types by way of the Buffer class.

When quarry reads a packet, it stores its payload in a buffer object and passes the buffer to a packet handler. The packet handler then unpacks the payload, which usually made up of multiple fields of differing types. You can read from the front of the buffer via the Buffer.read() method or any of the unpack_*() methods listed below

Buffers also provide a number of static methods that pack data into a byte string. These are named like pack_*().

When unpacking data you work with a buffer object, whereas when packing data you work with a buffer type. A reference to the buffer type is available from Protocol objects as self.buff_type.

class quarry.types.buffer.Buffer(data=None)[source]
registry = <quarry.types.registry.OpaqueRegistry object>

An object that encodes/decodes IDs, such as blocks and items.


Add some bytes to the end of the buffer.


Discards the entire buffer contents.

classmethod pack(fmt, *fields)

Pack fields into a struct. The format accepted is the same as for struct.pack().

classmethod pack_array(fmt, array)

Packs array into a struct. The format accepted is the same as for struct.pack().

classmethod pack_block(block, packer=None)

Packs a block.

classmethod pack_chat(message)

Pack a Minecraft chat message.

classmethod pack_chunk_section(blocks, block_lights=None, sky_lights=None)

Packs a chunk section. The supplied argument should be an instance of quarry.types.chunk.BlockArray.

classmethod pack_command_node(node, nodes)

Packs a command node.

classmethod pack_command_node_properties(parser, properties)

Packs the properties of an argument command node.

classmethod pack_commands(root_node)

Packs a command graph.

classmethod pack_direction(direction)

Packs a direction.

classmethod pack_entity_metadata(metadata)

Packs entity metadata.

classmethod pack_ingredient(ingredient)

Packs a crafting recipe ingredient alternation.

classmethod pack_json(obj)

Serialize an object to JSON and pack it to a Minecraft string.

classmethod pack_nbt(tag=None)

Packs an NBT tag

classmethod pack_optional(packer, val)

Packs a boolean indicating whether val is None. If not, packer(val) is appended to the returned string.

classmethod pack_optional_varint(number)

Packs an optional varint.

classmethod pack_packet(data, compression_threshold=-1)

Unpacks a packet frame. This method handles length-prefixing and compression.

classmethod pack_particle(kind, data=None)

Packs a particle.

classmethod pack_pose(pose)

Packs a pose.

classmethod pack_position(x, y, z)

Packs a Position.

classmethod pack_recipe(name, type, **recipe)

Packs a crafting recipe.

classmethod pack_rotation(x, y, z)

Packs a rotation.

classmethod pack_slot(item=None, count=1, tag=None)

Packs a slot.

classmethod pack_string(text)

Pack a varint-prefixed utf8 string.

classmethod pack_uuid(uuid)

Packs a UUID.

classmethod pack_varint(number, max_bits=32)

Packs a varint.

classmethod pack_villager(kind, profession, level)

Packs villager data.


Read length bytes from the beginning of the buffer, or all bytes if length is None


Restores the buffer contents to its state when save() was last called.


Saves the buffer contents.


Unpack a struct. The format accepted is the same as for struct.unpack().

unpack_array(fmt, length)

Unpack an array struct. The format accepted is the same as for struct.unpack().


Unpacks a block.


Unpack a Minecraft chat message.


Unpacks a chunk section. Returns a sequence of length 4096 (16x16x16).


Unpacks a command node.


Unpacks the properties of an argument command node.


Unpacks a command graph.

If resolve_redirects is True (the default), the returned structure may contain contain circular references, and therefore cannot be serialized to JSON (or similar). If it is False, all node redirect information is stripped, resulting in a directed acyclic graph.


Unpacks a direction.


Unpacks entity metadata.


Unpacks a crafting recipe ingredient alternation.


Unpack a Minecraft string and interpret it as JSON.


Unpacks NBT tag(s).


Unpacks a boolean. If it’s True, return the value of unpacker(). Otherwise return None.


Unpacks an optional varint.

unpack_packet(cls, compression_threshold=-1)

Unpacks a packet frame. This method handles length-prefixing and compression.


Unpacks a particle. Returns an (kind, data) pair.


Unpacks a pose.


Unpacks a position.


Unpacks a crafting recipe.


Unpacks a rotation


Unpacks a slot.


Unpack a varint-prefixed utf8 string.


Unpacks a UUID.


Unpacks a varint.


Unpacks villager data.

Protocol Versions

Some data types vary between Minecraft versions. Quarry automatically sets the buff_type attribute of Protocol instance to an appropriate buffer class when the protocol version becomes known.

Minecraft 1.7

Support for Minecraft 1.7+ is implemented in the Buffer1_7 class.

Minecraft 1.9

Support for Minecraft 1.9+ is implemented in the Buffer1_9 class.

Changes from 1.7:

  • pack_chunk_section() and unpack_chunk_section() added.
  • pack_entity_metadata() and unpack_entity_metadata() modified.

Minecraft 1.13

Support for Minecraft 1.13+ is implemented in the Buffer1_13 class.

Changes from 1.9:

  • pack_commands() and unpack_commands() added.
  • pack_particle() and unpack_particle() added.
  • pack_recipes() and unpack_recipes() added.
  • pack_chunk_section_palette() and unpack_chunk_section_palette() modified.
  • pack_slot() and unpack_slot() modified.
  • pack_entity_metadata() and unpack_entity_metadata() modified.

Minecraft 1.13.2

Support for Minecraft 1.13.2+ is implemented in the Buffer1_13_2 class.

Changes from 1.13:

  • pack_slot() and unpack_slot() modified.

Minecraft 1.14

Support for Minecraft 1.14+ is implemented in the Buffer1_14 class.

Changes from 1.13.2:

  • pack_villager() and unpack_villager() added.
  • pack_optional_varint() and unpack_optional_varint() added.
  • pack_pose() and unpack_pose() added.
  • pack_chunk_section() and unpack_chunk_section() modified.
  • pack_position() and unpack_position() modified.
  • pack_entity_metadata() and unpack_entity_metadata() modified.
  • pack_particle() and unpack_particle() modified.
  • pack_recipes() and unpack_recipes() modified.