Source code for quarry.types.chunk

from collections import Sequence, MutableSequence
from bitstring import BitArray, Bits
import math

except NameError:
    xrange = range

def twiddle(bitstring, width):
    Performs an in-place reversal of chunks in the given bitstring.

    for idx in xrange(0, len(bitstring), width):
        bitstring.reverse(idx, idx + width)
    return bitstring

def get_width(length, full_width):
    Returns the number of bits used by Minecraft to represent indices into a
    list of the given length.

    width = int(math.ceil(math.log(length, 2)))
    if width < 4:
        return 4
    elif width > 8:
        return full_width
        return width

[docs]class PackedArray(Sequence): """ This class provides support for an array where values are tightly packed into a number of bits (such as 4 bits for light or 9 bits for height). All operations associated with fixed-size mutable sequences are supported, such as slicing. Internally data is stored as a bit array with contiguous values, starting at the leftmost bits. Serializing to/from bytes is achieved by performing bitwise reversals of values and sectors; these reversals are deferred until access to packed values is needed. Several constructors are available for specific uses of packed arrays: - Light data used 4-bit values and 8-bit sectors - Height data uses 9-bit values and 64-bit sectors - Block data uses 64-bit sectors """ #: The ``bitstring.BitArray`` object used for storage. storage = None #: The width in bits of sectors. Used in (de)serialization. sector_width = None #: The width in bits of values. value_width = None #: Whether this array is new and empty fresh = None #: Whether this array is contiguous (assumes non-empty, non-aligned) twiddled = None def __repr__(self): return "<PackedArray len=%d sector=%d value=%d fresh=%d twiddled=%d>" \ % (len(self), self.sector_width, self.value_width, self.fresh, self.twiddled) # Constructors ------------------------------------------------------------ def __init__(self, storage, sector_width, value_width, fresh): = storage self.sector_width = sector_width self.value_width = value_width self.fresh = fresh self.twiddled = fresh
[docs] @classmethod def empty(cls, length, sector_width, value_width): """ Creates an empty array. """ storage = BitArray(length=length*value_width) return cls(storage, sector_width, value_width, True)
[docs] @classmethod def empty_light(cls): """ Creates an empty array suitable for storing light data. """ return cls.empty(4096, 8, 4)
[docs] @classmethod def empty_block(cls): """ Creates an empty array suitable for storing block data. """ return cls.empty(4096, 64, 4)
[docs] @classmethod def empty_height(cls): """ Creates an empty array suitable for storing height data. """ return cls.empty(256, 64, 9)
[docs] @classmethod def from_bytes(cls, bytes, sector_width, value_width=None): """ Deserialize a packed array from the given bytes. """ storage = BitArray(bytes=bytes) if value_width is None: length = len(storage) if length < 2048: value_width = sector_width elif length < 16384 and length % 256 == 0: value_width = length // 256 elif length < 65536 and length % 4096 == 0: value_width = length // 4096 else: value_width = sector_width return cls(storage, sector_width, value_width, False)
[docs] @classmethod def from_light_bytes(cls, bytes): """ Deserialize a packed array from the given light data bytes. """ return cls.from_bytes(bytes, 8, 4)
[docs] @classmethod def from_block_bytes(cls, bytes, value_width=None): """ Deserialize a packed array from the given block data bytes. """ return cls.from_bytes(bytes, 64, value_width)
[docs] @classmethod def from_height_bytes(cls, bytes): """ Deserialize a packed array from the given height data bytes. """ return cls.from_bytes(bytes, 64, 9)
# Instance methods --------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def to_bytes(self): """ Serialize this packed array to bytes. """ if not self.fresh and self.sector_width != self.value_width \ and self.twiddled: storage =[:] twiddle(storage, self.value_width) twiddle(storage, self.sector_width) return storage.bytes return
[docs] def init_storage(self): """ Initializes the storage by performing bitwise reversals. You should not need to call this method. """ if not self.fresh and self.sector_width != self.value_width \ and not self.twiddled: twiddle(, self.sector_width) twiddle(, self.value_width) self.twiddled = True
[docs] def purge(self, value_width): """ Re-initialize the storage to use a different value width, **destroying stored data in the process**. You should not need to call this method. """ length = len(self) * length) self.value_width = value_width self.fresh = True self.twiddled = True
[docs] def is_empty(self): """ Returns true if this packed array is entirely zeros. """ if self.fresh: return True return not
# Sequence methods -------------------------------------------------------- def __len__(self): return len( // self.value_width def __iter__(self): if self.fresh: for idx in xrange(len(self)): yield 0 else: self.init_storage() for idx in xrange(len(self)): yield self.value_width*idx, self.value_width*(idx+1)).uint def __getitem__(self, item): if self.fresh: return 0 self.init_storage() w = self.value_width if isinstance(item, slice): return [*idx, w*(idx+1)).uint for idx in xrange(*item.indices(len(self)))] else: if not 0 <= item < len(self): raise IndexError(item) return*item, w*(item+1)).uint def __setitem__(self, item, value): self.init_storage() if isinstance(item, slice): for idx, value in zip(xrange(*item.indices(len(self))), value): bs=Bits(uint=value, length=self.value_width), pos=idx*self.value_width) else: bs=Bits(uint=value, length=self.value_width), pos=item*self.value_width) self.fresh = False
[docs]class BlockArray(Sequence): """ This class provides support for block arrays. It wraps a :class:`PackedArray` object and implements block encoding/decoding, palettes, and counting of non-air blocks for lighting purposes. It stores precisely 4096 (16x16x16) values. All operations associated with fixed-size mutable sequences are supported, such as slicing. A palette is used when there are fewer than 256 unique values; the value width varies from 4 to 8 bits depending on the size of the palette, and is automatically adjusted upwards as necessary. Use :meth:`~BlockArray.repack` to reclaim space by eliminating unused entries. When 256 or more unique values are present, the palette is unused and values are stored directly. """ #: The :class:`PackedArray` object used for storage. storage = None #: List of encoded block values. Empty when palette is not used. palette = None #: The `Registry` object used to encode/decode blocks registry = None #: The number of non-air blocks non_air = None def __repr__(self): return "<BlockArray palette=%d storage=%r>" \ % (len(self.palette), # Constructors ------------------------------------------------------------ def __init__(self, storage, palette, registry, non_air=-1): = storage self.palette = palette self.registry = registry self._non_air = non_air
[docs] @classmethod def empty(cls, registry, non_air=-1): """ Creates an empty block array. """ storage = PackedArray.empty(4096, 64, 4) palette = [0] return cls(storage, palette, registry, non_air)
[docs] @classmethod def from_bytes(cls, bytes, palette, registry, non_air=-1, value_width=None): """ Deserialize a block array from the given bytes. """ storage = PackedArray.from_block_bytes(bytes, value_width) return cls(storage, palette, registry, non_air)
[docs] @classmethod def from_nbt(cls, section, registry, non_air=-1): """ Creates a block array that uses the given NBT section tag as storage for block data and the palette. Minecraft 1.13+ only. """ nbt_palette = section.value['Palette'] if isinstance(nbt_palette.value, _NBTPaletteProxy): proxy = nbt_palette.value else: proxy = _NBTPaletteProxy(registry) for entry in nbt_palette.value: proxy.append(entry) nbt_palette.value = proxy storage = section.value["BlockStates"].value palette = proxy.palette return cls(storage, palette, registry, non_air)
# Instance methods --------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def to_bytes(self): """ Serialize this block array to bytes. """ return
[docs] def is_empty(self): """ Returns true if this block array is entirely air. """ if self.palette == [0]: return True else: return self.non_air == 0
@property def non_air(self): if self._non_air == -1: self._non_air = [ self.registry.is_air_block(obj) for obj in self].count(False) return self._non_air
[docs] def repack(self, reserve=None): """ Re-packs internal data to use the smallest possible bits-per-block by eliminating unused palette entries. This operation is slow as it walks all blocks to determine the new palette. """ # If no reserve is given, we re-compute the palette by walking blocks if reserve is None: palette = sorted(set(self)) palette_len = len(palette) # Otherwise we just ensure we have enough space to store new entries. elif self.palette: palette = self.palette[:] palette_len = len(palette) + reserve # Reserving space in an unpaletted array is a no-op. else: return # Compute new value width value_width = get_width(palette_len, self.registry.max_bits) # Exit if there's no change in value width needed if value_width == return # Switch to unpaletted operation if necessary if value_width > 8: palette = [] # Save contents values = self[:] # Update internals self.palette[:] = palette # Load contents self[:] = values
# Sequence methods -------------------------------------------------------- def __len__(self): return 4096 def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, slice): values = [] for value in[item.start:item.stop:item.step]: if self.palette: value = self.palette[value] value = self.registry.decode_block(value) values.append(value) return values else: value =[item] if self.palette: value = self.palette[value] value = self.registry.decode_block(value) return value def __setitem__(self, item, value): if isinstance(item, slice): for idx in xrange(*item.indices(4096)): self[idx] = value[idx] return if self._non_air != -1: self._non_air += int(self.registry.is_air_block(self[item])) - \ int(self.registry.is_air_block(value)) value = self.registry.encode_block(value) if self.palette: try: value = self.palette.index(value) except ValueError: self.repack(reserve=1) if self.palette: self.palette.append(value) value = len(self.palette) - 1[item] = value def __iter__(self): for value in if self.palette: value = self.palette[value] value = self.registry.decode_block(value) yield value def __contains__(self, value): if self.palette: if self.registry.encode_block(value) not in self.palette: return False return super(BlockArray, self).__contains__(value) def index(self, value, start=0, stop=None): if self.palette: if self.registry.encode_block(value) not in self.palette: raise ValueError return super(BlockArray, self).index(value, start, stop) def count(self, value): if self.palette: if self.registry.encode_block(value) not in self.palette: return 0 return super(BlockArray, self).count(value)
class _NBTPaletteProxy(MutableSequence): def __init__(self, registry): self.registry = registry self.palette = [] def insert(self, idx, value): # FIXME: NBT chunk sections are *always* paletted, and so the format # diverges for palettes longer than 255 entries. if len(self.palette) >= 255: raise ValueError("Can't add more than 255 entries to NBT palette " "proxy.") self.palette.insert(idx, None) self[idx] = value def __len__(self): return len(self.palette) def __delitem__(self, idx): del self.palette[idx] def __getitem__(self, idx): from quarry.types import nbt block = self.registry.decode_block(self.palette[idx]) entry = nbt.TagCompound({'Name': nbt.TagString(block['name'])}) if len(block) > 1: entry.value['Properties'] = nbt.TagCompound({ key: nbt.TagString(value) for key, value in block.items() if key != "name"}) return entry def __setitem__(self, idx, tag): block = {'name': tag.value['Name'].value} properties = tag.value.get('Properties') if properties: block.update(properties.to_obj()) self.palette[idx] = self.registry.encode_block(block)