Source code for

import argparse
import json
import os
import sys
from twisted.internet import defer
from import http
from quarry.types.uuid import UUID

class ProfileException(http.HTTPException):

class AuthException(http.HTTPException):

[docs]class OfflineProfile(object): online = False
[docs] def __init__(self, display_name="quarry"): self.display_name = display_name
[docs] @classmethod def from_display_name(cls, display_name): return cls(display_name)
[docs]class Profile(object): online = True timeout = 30 def __init__(self, client_token, access_token, display_name, uuid): self.client_token = client_token self.access_token = access_token self.display_name = display_name self.uuid = uuid def join(self, digest, refresh=True): d1 = http.request( url=b"", timeout=self.timeout, err_type=AuthException, data={ "accessToken": self.access_token, "selectedProfile": self.uuid.to_hex(with_dashes=False), "serverId": digest}) if not refresh: return d1 else: d0 = defer.Deferred() def _errback(err): self.refresh().chainDeferred( self.join(digest, refresh=False).chainDeferred(d0)) d1.addCallbacks(d0.callback, _errback) return d0 def validate(self): d0 = defer.Deferred() def _callback(data): d0.callback(self) d1 = self._request(b"validate", accessToken=self.access_token) d1.addCallbacks(_callback, d0.errback) return d0 def refresh(self): d0 = defer.Deferred() def _callback(data): d0.callback(self) d1 = self._request( b"refresh", clientToken=self.client_token, accessToken=self.access_token) d1.addCallbacks(_callback, d0.errback) return d0
[docs] def to_file(self, profiles_path=None): if not profiles_path: profiles_path = self._get_profiles_path() with open(profiles_path, "w") as fd: json.dump({ "selectedUser": self.uuid.to_hex(False), "clientToken": self.client_token, "authenticationDatabase": { self.uuid.to_hex(False): { "displayName": self.display_name, "accessToken": self.access_token, "uuid": self.uuid.to_hex(True)}}}, fd)
[docs] @classmethod def from_credentials(cls, email, password): d0 = defer.Deferred() def _callback(data): d0.callback(cls._from_response(data)) def _errback(err): d0.errback(err) agent = { "name": "Minecraft", "version": 1 } client_token = "foo" # TODO d1 = cls._request( b"authenticate", username=email, password=password, agent=agent, clientToken=client_token) d1.addCallbacks(_callback, _errback) return d0
[docs] @classmethod def from_token(cls, client_token, access_token, display_name, uuid): obj = cls(client_token, access_token, display_name, UUID.from_hex(uuid)) return obj.validate()
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, display_name=None, uuid=None, profiles_path=None): if profiles_path is None: profiles_path = cls._get_profiles_path() with open(profiles_path) as fd: data = json.load(fd) if uuid is not None: profile_data = data["authenticationDatabase"][uuid] elif display_name is not None: profile_data = next( p for p in data["authenticationDatabase"].values() if p["displayName"] == display_name) else: profile_data = data["authenticationDatabase"][data["selectedUser"]] return cls.from_token( data["clientToken"], profile_data["accessToken"], profile_data["displayName"], profile_data["uuid"])
@classmethod def _from_response(cls, response): return cls( response['clientToken'], response['accessToken'], response['selectedProfile']['name'], UUID.from_hex(response['selectedProfile']['id'])) @classmethod def _request(cls, endpoint, **data): return http.request( url=b""+endpoint, timeout=cls.timeout, err_type=ProfileException, data=data) @classmethod def _get_profiles_path(cls): if sys.platform == 'win32': app_data = os.environ['APPDATA'] else: app_data = os.path.expanduser("~") return os.path.join( app_data, ".minecraft", "launcher_profiles.json")
class ProfileCLI(object): @classmethod def make_parser(cls, parser=None): if parser is None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument( "--auth", metavar="EMAIL:PASSWORD", help="Sets the Mojang account email address and password with " "which to log in.") group.add_argument( "--session-name", metavar="DISPLAY_NAME", help="Sets the display name to look up in the " "~/.minecraft/launcher_profiles.json file. This is used to " "resume an existing logged-in session from the official " "client.") group.add_argument( "--offline-name", metavar="DISPLAY_NAME", help="Sets the offline display name to use. If none of these " "options are given, quarry uses 'quarry' as an offline " "display name.") return parser @classmethod def make_profile(cls, args): if args.auth: email, password = args.auth.split(":", 1) return Profile.from_credentials(email, password) if args.session_name: return Profile.from_file(args.session_name) return defer.succeed( OfflineProfile.from_display_name(args.offline_name or "quarry")) def has_joined(timeout, digest, display_name, remote_host=None): url = b"" + \ b"?username=" + display_name.encode('ascii') + \ b"&serverId=" + digest.encode('ascii') if remote_host is not None: url += b"&ip=" + remote_host.encode('ascii') return http.request( url=url, timeout=timeout, err_type=AuthException, expect_content=True)